Professional Liability /
Errors & Omissions Insurance
Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance provides specialized liability protection against losses not covered by traditional liability insurance. It protects you and your business from claims filed by a customer/patient who accuses your business of making a mistake (an error) or failing to do something (an omission). Even if that claim proves to be groundless, you could still be held liable.
In an industry like psychedelic medicine, this type of insurance is critical and in high demand. Many industry professionals provide therapies either on-site or remote through telemedicine, and assist their patients throughout the course of their therapy. Patients require precise dosing and treatment, and there is no room for error. Businesses providing any type of psychedelic medical products or treatments are highly advised to purchase the appropriate Professional/E&O Liability insurance as the consequences for even a minor miscalculation can be costly and detrimental to their business.
R&A PSYINS offers custom policies that cover both settlement fees and court costs, up to the amount specified by the insurance contract.